taxonfinder detects scientific names in plain text. Given a string, it will scan through the contents and use a dictionary-based approach to identifying which words and strings are latin scientific organism names. It detects names at all ranks including species, genera, subspecies and more

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How to use it

This version is written completely in JavaScript with performance and portability in mind. You can always use the API if you don't want to bother downloading anything. Or you can use the node.js package manager to install it:

npm install taxonfinder

And there's only one useful method right now:

var taxonfinder = require( "taxonfinder" );
var resultsWithOffsets = taxonfinder.findNamesAndOffsets( stringWithNamesInIt );


taxonfinder has many incarnations beginning with FindIT and LinkIT developed by the uBio project at the Marine Biological Laboratory.

It then became a stable product with a Perl reboot named TaxonFinder. This version has a hosted API that was used by the Biodiversity Heritage Library, the Encyclopedia of Life and others.